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NAD or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is so vital that without it, you would die within seconds

NAD or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is so vital that without it, you would die within seconds.

Your mitochondria, which are responsible for energy production, use NAD as fuel. (1) NAD is also the fuel for your Sirtuins, (you can find out more about Sirtuins below). NAD is crucial for telomeres. They are the caps on your DNA strands that protect your chromosomes, and shortened telomeres are linked to a shorter lifespan.

NAD is a wonderful discovery and extremely important for ageing. Finding ways to boost your NAD levels has become central to longevity.

There are two main issues with NAD. The first is that as we age, our natural levels of NAD decline, and it is believed that this is the reason for many age-related diseases.

The other problem with NAD is that it is too large to enter your body. This is why we provide NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, to raise your NAD levels.

NMN is a direct precursor to NAD and is proven to raise NAD levels.

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